In 2022, the pandemic forced us to completely restructure how we can offer a workshop and it required a lot of flexibility, not just from our side but also from the participants. We want to thank everyone for their kind, constructive and really positive feedback. Therefore we are considering to continue to offer a virtual workshop in addition to an in person one, giving more people the opportunity to participate.
Please find the given talks and the tutorial slides below:
- General introductory talks (J. Wilms/L. Michalski): talk, slides_Wilms, slides_Michalski, tutorial
- SIXTE Workflow with Python (T. Dauser): tutorial, sixte_python_exercise.tar.xz
- Simulating the Athena WFI with SIXTE (M. Lorenz): talk, slides, tutorial
- Simulating the Athena X-IFU with SIXTE (C. Kirsch): talk, slides, tutorial
- Highlight talks: Advanced SIXTE simulations: X-ray background (G. Lanzuisi) and Galaxy Clusters (S. Beaumont): talk, slides_Lanzuisi, slides_Beaumont