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Accompanying Files

Here you can find a collection of various files and a few additional informations, which are of interest to most SIXTE users.

SIXTE Manual

A detailed description of SIXTE, as well as a detailed tutorial, can be found in the SIXTE Manual here.

Simulation Input – Source definition

Sources are defined as SIMPUT (SIMulation inPUT) files. The format definition and a short example can be found here.

Example Sources

A collection of example files is given here.

Instrument Files

Most of the currently planned, as well as already operating X-ray instruments are implemented in SIXTE. A collection of these files can be found here. If you want to simulate an X-ray instrument which is not yet included in the public files, please feel free to write us an e-mail to

Citation and Logo

An example on how to cite SIXTE and files for different versions of the SIXTE logo can be found here.