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Installation Steps

Required Packages

The installation of the simulation software package requires the following packages:

  • gcc, g++, gfortran
  • gsl
  • cmake
  • cgal
  • boost

If you are using macOS, we recommend using homebrew (eg.: brew install gcc, if you are not using homebrew yet, further information can be found here).

The Ubuntu versions are named:

  • libreadline-dev
  • libncurses-dev
  • libexpat1-dev
  • libcmocka-dev
  • libboost-dev
  • libgsl0-dev
  • libcgal-dev
  • cmake
  • autoconf
  • pkg-config

These are the ubuntu-linux package names, other Linux distributions will use similar package names. We also recommend that you have a current version of NASA’s HEASOFT package:
Please be aware that the HEASOFT version 6.32 does currently not work with SIXTE.

Installing SIMPUT

Once you have downloaded the tar archive with a release of SIMPUT, you have to extract the archive:

tar xvzf simput-x.y.z.tar.gz
cd simput-x.y.z

You compile and install the simulation software to a directory simputdir with the following commands:

1. Configure project and create build directory:

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=simputdir

where simputdir specifies the installation directory.


  • To force the usage of a specific boost installation, use -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=...

2. Compile and link:

cmake --build build

Additional variables and options:

  • Activate verbose output (useful for debugging; prints all output of gcc, g++, etc.): --verbose
  • Parallel build: --parallel n (where n is the maximum number of concurrent processes)

3. Install:

cmake --install build

Installing SIXTE

Installing SIXTE is similar to SIMPUT. Extract the downloaded SIXTE tar archive and perform the normal build process. We recommend you install SIXTE in the same location as SIMPUT (i.e, installing it in simputdir).

The following CMake commands must be executed in the top level SIXTE source directory:

1. Configure project and create build directory:

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=sixtedir

where sixtedir specifies the installation directory.

Additional variables and options:

  • Directory that contains SIMPUT installation (necessary if SIMPUT is installed to a different directory than SIXTE):
  • Directory that contains GSL installation:
    Libraries are expected at $GSL_ROOT_DIR/lib and the GSL headers at $GSL_ROOT_DIR/include/gsl

Analogous (if the respective library is not found) also for

  • -DBOOST_ROOT=...
  • -DCGAL_ROOT=...

Alternatively, you can use the pkg-config tool. If you have the relevant files for your libraries (usually ${LIBRARY}.pc) in a system directory, you can specify this directory before invoking CMake via

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/pkgconfig

And then continuing as above. On MacOS, this path may be /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig or, if you are using homebrew, /opt/homebrew/lib/pkgconfig


  • To force the usage of a specific boost installation, use -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=...

2. Compile and link:

cmake --build build

Additional variables and options:

  • Activate verbose output (useful for debugging; prints all output of gcc, g++, etc.): --verbose
  • Parallel build: --parallel n (where n is the maximum number of concurrent processes)

3. Install:

cmake --install build

Installing from Git

If you want to contribute to the source development or if you want to run the cutting edge version of the software, you need to install from our code tree, which is maintained with the version control system Git. Both, SIMPUT and SIXTE are available in this form. If Git is installed on your system, you can directly clone the repositories containing the source code using the following commands:

git clone 
git clone 

You can then run the same installation steps as above.

In case you want to contribute to any of the two repositories, we recommend that you contact us (

Using the Tools

To be able to use the tools, you have to set the environment variables $SIMPUT and $SIXTE to the respective installation directories and source the sixte-install.csh/sh script:

In a C shell (csh/tcsh)

setenv SIMPUT simputdir
setenv SIXTE sixtedir
source ${SIXTE}/bin/sixte-install.csh

In a Bash shell (bash/sh/zsh)

export SIMPUT=simputdir
export SIXTE=sixtedir
. ${SIXTE}/bin/ 

These lines can also be set in the ~/.cshrc, or ~/.bashrc respectively. The required steps are also described in greater detail the file INSTALL.txt, which is contained in the project directory.