This is the all new SIXTE 3.0 BETA version! We did test this new version as thoroughly as we could, but we need as many testers as possible. So if you are familiar with SIXTE and would like to test our BETA version, just download the BETA below and give us feedback, we could not appreciate it more!
Please also download the slightly updated xml files for the WFI, X-IFU and eRosita, as the new SIXTE requires some extra keywords. Please also read the instructions on the new build system and software usage below
Changes in the new version:
- one tool for everything:
- multiple simputs and xml-files as comma separated lists
- multiple detectors in one xml (meaning, eg. WFI now has only one xml)
- microcalorimeters are handled with a single XML (i.e., no more AdvXML file for X-IFU)
- new build system: cmake
- new coding language: c++
- and a lot of internal coding structure
Last Changes
29 April 2024
03 June 2024
12 MB
31 MB
Instrument Files
Athena WFI
Athena X-IFU
Last Changes
28 April 2024
29 April 2024
28 April 2024
17 June 2024
112 MB
177 MB
145 MB
410 MB
Installation of SIXTE 3.0 BETA and accompanying SIMPUT
Required Packages
In addition to the packages listed at Installation, the SIXTE 3.0 BETA also requires CGAL (libcgal-dev on Linux, or cgal with Brew on macOS).
The following CMake commands must be executed in the top level SIMPUT source directory:
1. Configure project and create build directory:
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=simputdir
specifies the installation directory.simputdir
2. Compile and link:
cmake --build build
Additional variables and options:
- Activate verbose output (useful for debugging; prints all output of gcc, g++, etc.):
- Parallel build:
--parallel n
(where n is the maximum number of concurrent processes)
3. Install:
cmake --install build
The following CMake commands must be executed in the top level SIXTE source directory:
1. Configure project and create build directory:
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=sixtedir
where sixtedir
specifies the installation directory.
Additional variables and options:
- Directory that contains SIMPUT installation (necessary if SIMPUT is installed to a different directory than SIXTE):
- Directory that contains GSL installation:
Libraries are expected at$GSL_ROOT_DIR/lib
and the GSL headers at$GSL_ROOT_DIR/include/gsl
Analogous (if the respective library is not found) also for
- To force the usage of a specific boost installation, use
2. Compile and link:
cmake --build build
Additional variables and options:
- Activate verbose output (useful for debugging; prints all output of gcc, g++, etc.):
- Parallel build:
--parallel n
(where n is the maximum number of concurrent processes)
3. Install:
cmake --install build
Additional CMake targets:
- make clean/make distclean equivalent:
Since CMake does an out-of-source build in thebuild
directory, one can just remove this directory to start from scratch.