Inset plot (xfig example)

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--- //an example added by Felix// ---


As seen on the multiplot page all plots in xfig are objects and can be combined. To plot a plot within another one, we need to add the object which defines the inset plot to the object which defines the overall plot. This can be done with the routine **add_object** of a given xfig-object. If a is an xfig object, and we want to plot b inside it, the command would be

 a.add_object(b, x, y) ;

where x and y are the coordinates where the center of b will appear within in a in coordinates of a. If x and y are omitted, b is not translated, but added to a "as it is".

More information can be obtained by reading xfig_plot_new.add.object(;help) and help xfig_plot--wcs.

Short example
 variable x = [0:10:0.1] , y = cos(x) ;
 variable a = xfig_plot_new(6,6) ;
 variable b = xfig_plot_new(2,2) ;,10,-1.5, 1.5) ;
 a.plot(x,y) ;,10,-1,1);
 b.axis(;off) ;
 b.plot([0,10],[-1,-1] ; color="red") ;
 b.plot([0,0],[-1,1] ; color="blue2") ;
 b.plot(x,y) ;
 a.add_object(b, 5, 0, -0.5, -0.5) ;
 a.render("plots/testsin.eps") ;