Periodic Table of the Elements (xfig example)
Revision as of 17:06, 13 April 2018 by Falkner (talk | contribs) (→Peridodic Table of the Elements)
Peridodic Table of the Elements
This script loads a datafile ( with the symbols, names, and other properties in form of an array of lists. The array is built such that the index of an entry equals the proton number //Z//. Some of the properties (e.g., groups like metals / nonmetals, state, ...) are used as names for color definitions.
The data file format is as:
variable elements = [{"Symbol","Element Name","\centering \small Atomic\\Weight"R,"black","white"}, {"H", "Hydrogen", "1.01" ,"gas", "alkali"}, {"He", "Helium", "4.00" ,"gas", "noblegas"}, ... ];
Additionally, the code is written in a way that allows to easily switch between color and black/white versions of the table via a simple integer variable incolor, which triggers different color definitions.
require("isisscripts"); % periodic table entries: require(""); %-> variable elements variable incolor = 1; if(incolor){ xfig_new_color("solid" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("liquid" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("gas" , rgb2hex(1. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("synthetic" , rgb2hex(0.4 , 0.4 , 0.4 ) ); xfig_new_color("alkali" , rgb2hex(1. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("alkaline" , rgb2hex(0. , 1. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("transmetal" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("metal" , rgb2hex(1. , 0.5 , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("nonmetal" , rgb2hex(0. , .4 , 0.8 ) ); xfig_new_color("noblegas" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("unknown" , rgb2hex(0.75 , 0.75 , .75 ) ); }else{ xfig_new_color("solid" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("liquid" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("gas" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("synthetic" , rgb2hex(0. , 0. , 0. ) ); xfig_new_color("alkali" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("alkaline" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("transmetal" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("metal" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("nonmetal" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("noblegas" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); xfig_new_color("unknown" , rgb2hex(1. , 1. , 1. ) ); } % a map for the positions of the individual elements (Z) in the periodic table variable rows = { [1,0*ones(17),2], [3,4,0*ones(11),[5:10]], [11,12,0*ones(11),[13:18]], [19,20,0,[21:36]], [37,38,0,[39:54]], [55,56,0,[71:86]], [87,88,0,[103:118]], [57:70], [89:102] }; % the dimensions for the cells of the table variable wcell = 2.15; variable hcell = 2.5; define cell(Z){ variable xc = xfig_plot_new(wcell,hcell);,wcell,0,hcell); xc.axes(;off); xc.plot([0,0,wcell,wcell,0],[0,hcell,hcell,0,0];depth=15); variable bg = xfig_new_polyline([0,0,wcell,wcell],[0,hcell,hcell,0]; closed,areafill=30,fillcolor=elements[Z][4],color="white"); xc.add_object(bg,0,0,-0.5,-0.5;depth=50); xc.xylabel(0.5*wcell,0.1*hcell, sprintf("\usefont{T1}{arial}{b}{n}\scriptsize %s"R,elements[Z][1]),0,0;depth=10); xc.xylabel(0.5*wcell,0.58*hcell, elements[Z][0] ,0,0; size="\Large"R, color=elements[Z][3],depth=10); if(Z==0){ xc.xylabel(0.05*wcell,0.87*hcell, "Z" ,-0.5,0 ;depth=10); }else{ xc.xylabel(0.05*wcell,0.87*hcell, "$Z"$ ,-0.5,0 ;depth=10); } xc.xylabel(0.5*wcell,0.31*hcell, elements[Z][2] ,0,0 ;depth=10); return xc; } variable pl = xfig_plot_new(19*wcell,10*hcell);,19*wcell,10*hcell,1); pl.axes(;off); variable ii, rr,cc; _for ii(1,7,1){ cc=1; foreach rr (rows[ii-1]){ if(rr==0){ cc++; continue; } pl.add_object(cell(rr), cc*wcell, ii*hcell, -0.5,-0.5); cc++; } } _for ii(8,9,1){ cc=4; foreach rr (rows[ii-1]){ pl.add_object(cell(rr), cc*wcell, (ii+1)*hcell, -0.5,-0.5); cc++; } } pl.xylabel(3.5*wcell,5.5*hcell,"57--70"R,0,0); pl.xylabel(3.5*wcell,5.7*hcell,"\large *"R,0,0); pl.xylabel(3.5*wcell,6.5*hcell,"89--102"R,0,0); pl.xylabel(3.5*wcell,6.7*hcell,"\large **"R,0,0); pl.xylabel(3.8*wcell,8.5*hcell,"{\large *}\,Lanthanoids"R,0.5,0); pl.xylabel(3.8*wcell,9.5*hcell,"{\large **}\,Actinoids"R,0.5,0); % cell description: variable sc = 1.2; wcell *=sc; hcell *=sc; pl.add_object(cell(0),5.4*wcell/sc,2.1*hcell/sc,-0.5,-0.5); wcell /=sc; hcell /=sc; if(incolor){ pl.xylabel((5.35+sc)*wcell,1.4*hcell, "\Huge\{"R,-0.5,0); pl.xylabel((5.65+sc)*wcell,1.125*hcell, "solid", -0.5,0;color="solid"); pl.xylabel((5.65+sc)*wcell,1.325*hcell, "liquid", -0.5,0;color="liquid"); pl.xylabel((5.65+sc)*wcell,1.525*hcell, "gas", -0.5,0;color="gas"); pl.xylabel((5.65+sc)*wcell,1.65*hcell, "synthetic", -0.5,0;color="synthetic"); variable desc = ["alkali metals", "alkaline earth metals", "transitional metals", "other metals", "nonmetals", "noble gases", "unknown group"]; variable cl = ["alkali","alkaline","transmetal","metal","nonmetal", "noblegas","unknown"]; variable bx; _for ii(0,6,1){ bx = xfig_new_polyline([0,0,wcell/2.,wcell/2.],[0,hcell/4.,hcell/4.,0]; closed,areafill=30,fillcolor=cl[ii],color="white"); pl.add_object(bx,9.75*wcell,(0.75+ii*0.26)*hcell,0.5,0;depth=50); pl.xylabel(9.85*wcell,(0.75+ii*0.26)*hcell,desc[ii],-0.5,0); } } pl.render("pt.pdf");