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Be aware that the standard location is Paris, Earth, France. Before using Stellarium you might want to change that to Bamberg, Germany, Earth. You can do that from the "Location Window" which you can bring up by pressing F6. Just select Bamberg from the list, and everything is fine.

Remeis Garden Landscape

For those of you who are using Stellarium] and want to know what you can observe from our garden at the [[115mm apochromatic refractor] mounting point, there is now a landscape available showing a 360° view of this spot.

You can find the landscape at


Just copy this directory to your local .stellarium/landscapes/ folder, for example by issuing the command

rsync -avz $SOFTDIR/stellarium/landscapes ~/.stellarium/

The landscape is called "Remeis Garden" and can then be selected from the "Sky and viewing options window" on the tab "Landscapes". The options window can also be reached by pressing F4.

The result should look something like this: Garden Landscape

Remeis West-Dome Landscape

There is also a landscape showing the view from the 40cm telescope in the West-Dome, obtainable with the same commands as above (both landscapes will be copied to your directory if you issue the above command).

West-Dome Landscape