3D orbit plots (xfig example)

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The projection and handling of plotting in 3D is very similar to the examples Plotting in 3D (simple) and Plotting in 3D. %-*- mode: fold; mode: slang -*- require("isisscripts");

% we will produce two plots: one showing the orbital plane in the % context of the tangent plane of the sky and, thus, defining the % orbital elements. the second one defines the Be disk geometry % with respect to the orbital plane only, i.e, *without* the % tangent plane of the sky and the orbital elements.

% in the coordinate system used here, the tangent plane of the sky % is defined as the xy-plane and the z-axis points away from Earth. % that is with a camera inclination and roll angle of zero, we are % looking directly onto the tangent plane of the sky. note that the % x and y axis points north and east, respectively, i.e., the xy % axis are flipped to ensure a right handed coordinate system.

xfig_add_latex_package("bm"); % for bold and italic fonts in mathmode xfig_set_latex_preamble("\let\mathbfit\bm"R); % alias for MNRAS xfig_set_font_style(NULL); % no bold face anywhere

%%% implement camera object %{{{

% set up the camera view port private define _xfig_camera_setup(s, incl, zrot, roll) {

 s.camera_data.incl = incl;
 s.camera_data.zrot = zrot;
 s.camera_data.roll = roll;
 % update camera vectors
 s.camera_data.cx = vector_rotate(
   vector(1,0,0), vector(0,1,0), -s.camera_data.zrot*PI/180
 s.camera_data.cy = vector_rotate(
   vector_rotate(vector(0,1,0), vector(1,0,0), s.camera_data.incl*PI/180),
   vector(0,1,0), -s.camera_data.zrot*PI/180
 % optical axis of the camera
 variable camaxis = crossprod(s.camera_data.cx, s.camera_data.cy);
 % rotate around this vector
 s.camera_data.cx = vector_rotate(s.camera_data.cx, camaxis, s.camera_data.roll*PI/180);
 s.camera_data.cy = vector_rotate(s.camera_data.cy, camaxis, s.camera_data.roll*PI/180);


% add polygons to the plot private define _xfig_camera_plot_polygon(s, v) {

 % add starting point [0,0,0]
 if (length(v.x) == 1 && not qualifier_exists("skiporigin")) {
   v = struct_copy(v);
   v.x = [0, v.x];
   v.y = [0, v.y];
   v.z = [0, v.z];
 % add to list
 list_append(s.camera_data.polygons, v);
 list_append(s.camera_data.polygons_qualifiers, __qualifiers);


% add shaded region to the plot private define _xfig_camera_shade_region(s, v) {

 % add to the same list as for polygons, but set a qualifier
 list_append(s.camera_data.polygons, v);
 list_append(s.camera_data.polygons_qualifiers, struct_combine(
   __qualifiers, struct { _camera_shade_region }


% add label to the plot private define _xfig_camera_xyzlabel() {

 variable s, v, l, dx = 0, dy = 0;
 switch (_NARGS)
   { case 3: (s, v, l) = (); }
   { case 5: (s, v, l, dx, dy) = (); }
 list_append(s.camera_data.labels, v);
 list_append(s.camera_data.labels, l);
 list_append(s.camera_data.labels, [dx, dy]);
 list_append(s.camera_data.labels_qualifiers, __qualifiers);


% render polygons private define _xfig_camera_render_polygons(s, pl) {

 % loop over polygons
 variable i;
 _for i (0, length(s.camera_data.polygons)-1, 1) {
   % shade region
   if (s.camera_data.polygons_qualifiers[i] != NULL &&

struct_field_exists(s.camera_data.polygons_qualifiers[i], "_camera_shade_region")) {

       dotprod(s.camera_data.polygons[i], s.camera_data.cx),
       dotprod(s.camera_data.polygons[i], s.camera_data.cy);;
   % plot line
   else {
       dotprod(s.camera_data.polygons[i], s.camera_data.cx),
       dotprod(s.camera_data.polygons[i], s.camera_data.cy);;
 % loop over labels
 _for i (0, length(s.camera_data.labels)/3-1, 1) {
     dotprod(s.camera_data.labels[3*i], s.camera_data.cx),
     dotprod(s.camera_data.labels[3*i], s.camera_data.cy),
     s.camera_data.labels[3*i+1], __push_array(s.camera_data.labels[3*i+2]);;


% new render function private define _xfig_camera_render(s, file) {

 % first render all polygons
 s.camera_render_polygons(s, s);
 % default xfig render


% return an xfig_plot_new with a camera object included define xfig_new_camera_plot() {

 variable args = __pop_args(_NARGS);
 variable s = struct_combine(
   struct {
     camera_setup = &_xfig_camera_setup,
     camera_plot_polygon = &_xfig_camera_plot_polygon,
     camera_xyzlabel = &_xfig_camera_xyzlabel,
     camera_shade_region = &_xfig_camera_shade_region,
     camera_render_polygons = &_xfig_camera_render_polygons,
     camera_data = struct { % camera data

polygons = list_new, % list of polygons (Vector_Type[]) to plot polygons_qualifiers = list_new, % plot qualifiers for each polygon labels = list_new, % list of labels (Vector_Type[], String_Type) labels_qualifiers = list_new, % qualifiers for each label incl, zrot, roll, % camera inclination (around x), rotation (around z), and roll (around the optical axis) cx, cy, % unit vectors

       camera_xfig_render % remember xfig renderer function
 % default camera setup
 s.camera_setup(0, 0, 0);
 % remember xfig renderer function and then overwrite
 s.camera_data.camera_xfig_render = s.render;
 s.render = &_xfig_camera_render;
 return s;



%%% useful functions %{{{

% function to split a closed line given as an array of vectors using indices. % ensure that the returned arrays of vectors define a line without breaks define vecsplitsort(r, n) {

 variable len = vector_norm(vector(diff(r.x[n]), diff(r.y[n]), diff(r.z[n])));
 variable i = @n;
 if (max(len) > 2*median(len)) {
   i = shift(n, where_max(len)+1);
 return vector(r.x[i], r.y[i], r.z[i]);


% function to shift, incline, and rotate a vector into the orbital plane variable a, incl, omega, nOrb, ecc; define vec2orbit(x) {

 % translate according to the focal point (center of mass)
 ifnot (qualifier_exists("notrans")) {
   x += vector(-sqrt(a^2 - (a*(1-ecc))^2), 0, 0);
 % incline
 ifnot (qualifier_exists("noincl")) {
   x = vector_rotate(x, vector(1, 0, 0), incl * PI/180);
 % rotate
 ifnot (qualifier_exists("noomega")) {
   x = vector_rotate(
     x, nOrb, omega * PI/180
 return x;


% calculates an arch between the vectors v1 and v2 with radius r define arch(v1, v2, r) {

 v1 *= (1./vector_norm(v1));
 v2 *= (1./vector_norm(v2));
 % angle between the vectors and rotation axis, i.e, the normal
 variable angle = acos(dotprod(v1, v2));
 variable axis = crossprod(v1, v2);
 axis *= (1./vector_norm(axis));
 if (qualifier_exists("reverse")) {
   axis *= -1;
   angle = 2*PI - angle;
 % calculate arch by rotating v1 around the axis
 variable nphi = int(1000*angle/2/PI);
 variable step = angle / nphi;
 variable arch = Vector_Type[nphi];
 variable i;
 _for i (0, nphi-1, 1) {
   arch[i] = r*vector_rotate(v1, axis, step*i);
 return merge_struct_arrays(arch);



%%% define geometry %{{{

% orbit parameters variable ecc = .05, a = 300; % = 1 - b/a variable omega = -50, incl = 30.; % Be disk parameters variable inclDisk = -50; variable omegaDisk = 180+28; variable radDisk = 150; % neutron star's orbital plase variable phiNS = .9;

% define normal vectors of the reference frame (plotted later) % (note that x and y are flipped, see abow) variable ex = vector(0,1,0); variable ey = vector(1,0,0); variable ez = vector(0,0,1);


variable n, m; %%% calculation of orbit, disk, and neutron star position and disk %{{{

% calculate orbit variable nOrb = vector_rotate(vector(0, 0, 1), vector(1, 0, 0), incl * PI/180); variable phi = [0:2*PI:#1000]; variable rOrb = vector(

 Double_Type[length(phi)], Double_Type[length(phi)], Double_Type[length(phi)]

); (rOrb.x, rOrb.y) = ellipse(a, a*(1-ecc), 0, phi); rOrb = vec2orbit(rOrb);

% calculate Be disk variable rDisk = vector(

 Double_Type[length(phi)], Double_Type[length(phi)], Double_Type[length(phi)]

); (rDisk.x, rDisk.y) = ellipse(radDisk, radDisk, 0, phi); rDisk = vector_rotate(rDisk, vector(1, 0, 0), (incl+inclDisk) * PI/180); rDisk = vector_rotate(rDisk, nOrb, omegaDisk * PI/180); % disk normal variable nDisk = vector_rotate(vector(0, 0, 1), vector(1, 0, 0), (incl+inclDisk) * PI/180); nDisk = vector_rotate(nDisk, nOrb, omegaDisk * PI/180);

% neutron star position variable n = wherefirstmin(abs(phi-phiNS*2*PI)); % orbital phase variable rNS = vector(rOrb.x[n], rOrb.y[n], rOrb.z[n]);


variable H = 12; % plot heights (width set individually) %%% first xfig plot %{{{

variable pl1 = xfig_new_camera_plot(8.,H); pl1.camera_setup(40, 40, 0); variable xmin = -315, ymin = -350, wlen = 850; variable WH = 1.*pl1.plot_data.plot_height/pl1.plot_data.plot_width; pl1.world(xmin, xmin+wlen/WH, ymin, ymin+wlen); pl1.axes(; major = 0, minor = 0, color = "white"); pl1.xylabel(.01, .99, "a)", -.5, .5; size = "small", world0); % define colors variable orbColor = "#ffca57"; variable tgColor = "#ffff71"; % xyz-axes variable xyzlen = 250.; % arrow length pl1.camera_plot_polygon(xyzlen*ex; forward_arrow, color = "red", depth = 20); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(xyzlen*ey; forward_arrow, color = "red", depth = 20); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(xyzlen*ez; forward_arrow, color = "red", line = 2); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(1.05*xyzlen*ex, "x"; color = "red"); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(1.05*xyzlen*ey, "y"; color = "red"); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(1.05*xyzlen*ez, "z"; color = "red"); % plot orbit n = where(rOrb.y < 0, &m); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vecsplitsort(rOrb, n); depth = 85); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vecsplitsort(rOrb, m); line = 2, depth = 85); pl1.camera_shade_region(vecsplitsort(rOrb, n); color = orbColor, depth = 85); pl1.camera_shade_region(vecsplitsort(rOrb, m); color = orbColor, depth = 95); n = struct_filter(rOrb, int(length(rOrb.x)*.38); copy); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(n, "orbital plane"R, .3, .2; size = "small", rotate = -25); % plot tangent plane of the sky variable tg = vector(

 -390*[1,0,0,1,1] + 320*[0,1,1,0,0],
 -250*[1,1,0,0,1] + 370*[0,0,1,1,0],

); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(tg; depth = 90); pl1.camera_shade_region(tg; color = tgColor, depth = 90); n = -28; pl1.camera_xyzlabel(struct_filter(tg, 1; copy), "tangent plane"R, .55, -.7; size = "small", rotate = n); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(struct_filter(tg, 1; copy), "of the sky"R, .6, -.2; size = "small", rotate = n); % intersection of the planes n = wherefirstmin(abs(rOrb.y + rOrb.z)); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vector(rOrb.x[n], 0, 0); line = 1); % inclination angle

 % find intersection of the orbit with the x-axis

n = where_min(abs(abs(rOrb.y) + rOrb.z)) + [-1,0,1]; m = interpol_points(0, rOrb.y[n], rOrb.x[n]); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vector([m,m], [0,-80], [0,0]); depth = 50); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(vector(m, -60, 0), "$i$", .75, -.1);

 % find the point on the orbit, which at a certain distance from this intersection point

n = where(rOrb.y < 0 and rOrb.x > 0); n = n[where_min(abs(vector_norm(struct_filter(rOrb, n; copy) - vector(m, 0, 0)) - 80))];

 % connect the intersection point and the orbit with an arch of the same length as the distance

pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vector(m, 0, 0) + arch(

   vector(0, -1, 0), vector(rOrb.x[n] - m, rOrb.y[n], rOrb.z[n]), 80

)); % periastron and apastron position variable pstrn = vec2orbit(vector(a, 0, 0)); variable astrn = vec2orbit(vector(-a, 0, 0)); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([pstrn, astrn]); line = 1, depth = 50); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(pstrn, "P", -.5, .5); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(astrn, "A", .3, -.8); % prism supporting the 3D position of the periastron pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([pstrn, pstrn-vector(0,pstrn.y,0)])); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([vector(pstrn.x,0,pstrn.z), vector(pstrn.x,0,0)])); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vector(pstrn.x, 0, pstrn.z)); % same for the apastron pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([astrn, astrn-vector(0,astrn.y,0)]); line = 2); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([vector(astrn.x,0,astrn.z), vector(astrn.x,0,0)]); line = 2); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(vector(astrn.x, 0, astrn.z); line = 2); % omega angle n = arch(vector(1, 0, 0), pstrn, 85); m = length(n.x)/2; % vector to half of the arch (-> label) pl1.camera_plot_polygon(n; line = 1); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(.8*vector(n.x[m], n.y[m], n.z[m]), "$\omega$"R, 0, -.4); % neutrons star position pl1.camera_plot_polygon(rNS; forward_arrow, line = 1); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(.5*rNS, "$\mathbfit{r}_\mathrm{ns}$"R, -.6, .5); n = wherefirstmin(vector_norm(rOrb - rNS)); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(struct_filter(rOrb, n + int(.05*length(rOrb.x)) + [0,1]; copy); forward_arrow); % neutron star position projected into the Be disk reference frame pl1.camera_plot_polygon(rNS; sym = "circle", fill, size = .5, skiporigin); variable rNSdiskZ = nDisk * dotprod(rNS, nDisk); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(rNS-rNSdiskZ; forward_arrow, line = 3); pl1.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([rNS-rNSdiskZ, rNS]); forward_arrow); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(rNS-.5*rNSdiskZ, "$h\mathbfit{n}_\mathrm{disk}$"R, .6, -.2; rotate = -55); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(.5*(rNS-rNSdiskZ), "$r\mathbfit{e}_\mathrm{r}$"R, .5, -.8); % line of sight pl1.camera_plot_polygon(rNS - vector([0,0], [0,0], [0,230]); color = "blue", forward_arrow); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(rNS, "line of sight"R, .85, .6; color = "blue", size = "\small", rotate = 37); pl1.camera_xyzlabel(rNS, "to Earth"R, .85, 1.2; color = "blue", size = "\small", rotate = 37);


%%% second xfig plot %{{{

variable pl2 = xfig_new_camera_plot(10,H); variable incCam = 20; % camera inclination with respect to the orbital plane pl2.camera_setup(incl-90+incCam, 0, 0); % incl-90 -> edge on % rotate the camera around the orbital normal variable rotCam = 160; pl2.camera_data.cx = vector_rotate(pl2.camera_data.cx, nOrb, rotCam*PI/180); pl2.camera_data.cy = vector_rotate(pl2.camera_data.cy, nOrb, rotCam*PI/180); variable xmin = -260, ymin = -270, wlen = 500; variable WH = 1.*pl2.plot_data.plot_height/pl2.plot_data.plot_width; pl2.world(xmin, xmin+wlen/WH, ymin, ymin+wlen); pl2.axes(; major = 0, minor = 0, color = "white"); pl2.xylabel(.05, .87, "b)", -.5, .5; size = "small", world0); xyzlen = 200; pl2.camera_plot_polygon(xyzlen*ez; forward_arrow, color = "red", line = 2); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(1.05*xyzlen*ez, "z"; color = "red"); % define colors variable diskColor = "skyblue"; % z-axis projected onto the orbital plane variable zdisk = xyzlen*(ez - (ez*nOrb)*nOrb); %zdisk *= (1./vector_norm(zdisk)); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(zdisk; color = "red", line = 1); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([xyzlen*ez, zdisk]); line = 2, color = "red"); % plot orbit pl2.camera_plot_polygon(rOrb; depth = 75); pl2.camera_shade_region(rOrb; color = orbColor, depth = 100); n = where(.837 < phi/2/PI < .95); % nasty hack for the dotted line behin the Be disk pl2.camera_plot_polygon(struct_filter(rOrb, n; copy); depth = 65, line = 2); n = struct_filter(rOrb, int(length(rOrb.x)*.21); copy); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(n, "orbital plane"R, 0, -.3; size = "small", rotate = -19); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(pstrn, "P", .5, -.5); % plot Be disk n = where(dotprod(rDisk, nOrb) < 0, &m); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(vecsplitsort(rDisk, n); depth = 70); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(vecsplitsort(rDisk, m); line = 2, depth = 85); pl2.camera_shade_region(vecsplitsort(rDisk, n); color = diskColor, depth = 70); pl2.camera_shade_region(vecsplitsort(rDisk, m); color = diskColor, depth = 105); n = struct_filter(rDisk, int(length(rDisk.x)*.15); copy); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(n, "Be disk"R, 0, .5; size = "small", rotate = -23); % highest point of the disk above the orbit variable hline = vector_rotate(vector(0, 1, 0), vector(1, 0, 0), (incl+inclDisk)*PI/180); hline = radDisk*vector_rotate(hline, nOrb, omegaDisk*PI/180); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(hline; line = 3); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(hline*1.1, "H"); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(hline - (hline*nOrb)*nOrb; line = 1); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([hline, hline - (hline*nOrb)*nOrb]); line = 2); % omega disk n = arch(zdisk, hline - (hline*nOrb)*nOrb, 40; reverse); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(n; line = 1); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(.5*struct_filter(n, length(n.x)/2-1; copy), "$\theta$"R, 0, .1); % disk inclination n = arch(hline, hline - (hline*nOrb)*nOrb, 60); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(n; line = 2); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(.7*struct_filter(n, length(n.x)/2-1; copy), "$\delta$"R, .2, -.2); % neutrons star position (new one compared to plot 1) phiNS = .09; n = wherefirstmin(abs(phi-phiNS*2*PI)); % orbital phase rNS = vector(rOrb.x[n], rOrb.y[n], rOrb.z[n]); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(rNS; sym = "circle", fill, size = .5, skiporigin); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(rNS; forward_arrow, line = 1); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(.6*rNS, "$\mathbfit{r}_\mathrm{ns}$"R, 1.1, .9); n = wherefirstmin(vector_norm(rOrb - rNS)); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(struct_filter(rOrb, n + int(.05*length(rOrb.x)) + [0,1]; copy); forward_arrow); % neutron star position projected into the Be disk reference frame rNSdiskZ = nDisk * dotprod(rNS, nDisk); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(rNS-rNSdiskZ; forward_arrow, line = 3); pl2.camera_plot_polygon(merge_struct_arrays([rNS-rNSdiskZ, rNS]); forward_arrow); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(rNS-.5*rNSdiskZ, "$h\mathbfit{n}_\mathrm{disk}$"R, 0, -.3; rotate = 39); pl2.camera_xyzlabel(.9*(rNS-rNSdiskZ), "$r\mathbfit{e}_\mathrm{r}$"R, 0, -.7);


% combine and render % (note: the camera plot renderes the lines only when .render is called. % thus we need to call these first, which is not a convenient way...) pl1.render("../plots/reference_frames.pdf"); pl2.render("../plots/reference_frames.pdf"); xfig_new_hbox_compound(pl1,pl2).render("../plots/reference_frames.pdf");