Satellite Picture Zoom (xfig example)
Revision as of 13:43, 13 April 2018 by Gokus (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category:SLxfig File:cygx1_iras.png ---- <pre> require("isisscripts"); require("wcsfuns"); %variable datapath="../"; variable datapath="/home/boeck/work/cygX1/ima...")
require("isisscripts"); require("wcsfuns"); %variable datapath="../"; variable datapath="/home/boeck/work/cygX1/images/"; variable height = 18; variable box_col = "#88CCFF"; variable cygX1_lon = 299.590333 ; variable cygX1_lat = 35.201611 ; %%%%%%%%%% user defined color scheme variable R,G,B; R=nint ([Integer_Type[125],[0:255:#130]]); G=nint ([[0:0:#55],[0:255:#150],[255:255:#50]]); B=nint ([[0:255:#155], ones(100)*255]); png_add_colormap("blue",(R*0x10000+G*0x100+B)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% variable img = fits_read_img (datapath+"CygX1-HI_0408MHz.fits"); variable wcs = fitswcs_get_img_wcs (datapath+"CygX1-HI_0408MHz.fits"); img = log(img-0.8*min(img)); variable size = array_shape(img); variable x = size[1]; variable y = size[0]; variable ph = height; variable pw = ph*x/double(y); variable p = xfig_plot_new (pw,ph); variable p_xmin = -0.5; variable p_xmax = x+0.5; variable p_ymin = -0.5; variable p_ymax = y+0.5;,p_xmax,p_ymin,p_ymax); p.plot_png (img; cmap = "blue", depth = 100); p.axis(;off); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot source variable clr = "yellow"; variable pos_y,pos_x; (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, cygX1_lon, cygX1_lat); p.plot(pos_x,pos_y; sym="+", color=clr,depth=80); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot grid variable gridclr = "#4466DD"; variable l_axis = [120:20:#200]; variable b_axis = [-50:60:#200]; variable ra,dec; (ra,dec) = RAdec_from_galLB (l_axis,0); (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, ra,dec); p.plot(pos_x,pos_y; width=2,color=gridclr,depth=84); %%%% l=0 axis is outside of plot range % (ra,dec) = RAdec_from_galLB (0,b_axis); % (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, ra,dec); % p.plot(pos_x,pos_y; width=2,color=gridclr,depth=84); variable v; foreach v ([[-50:-10:10],[10:60:10]]) { (ra,dec) = RAdec_from_galLB (l_axis,v); (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, ra,dec); p.plot(pos_x,pos_y; width=1,line=1,color=gridclr,depth=90); } foreach v ([[20:120:10]]) { (ra,dec) = RAdec_from_galLB (v,b_axis); (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, ra,dec); p.plot(pos_x,pos_y; width=1,line=1,color=gridclr,depth=90); } %%%%%%%%%%%%%% grid labels foreach v ([[30:120:10]]) { (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, RAdec_from_galLB ( v, 0 ) ); p.xylabel(pos_x,pos_y,sprintf("\$%d\^\\circ\$",v),0.4,1.1; color=gridclr,depth=87); } foreach v ([[10:40:10]]) { (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, RAdec_from_galLB ( 60, v ) ); p.xylabel(pos_x,pos_y,sprintf("+\$%d\^\\circ\$",v),-0.1,0.8; color=gridclr,depth=87); } foreach v ([[-40:-10:10]]) { (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, RAdec_from_galLB ( 60, v ) ); p.xylabel(pos_x,pos_y,sprintf("\$%d\^\\circ\$",v),-0.1,0.8; color=gridclr,depth=87); } p.xylabel(0.75,0.95,"408\\,MHz",0.5,0.5; color=box_col,world0,depth=70); % p.render("HI_0408Mhz_large.pdf"); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% plot IRAS image variable f = datapath+"CygX1-IRAS.fits"; variable wcs_iras = fitswcs_get_img_wcs(f); variable img = fits_read_img(f); variable x = length(img[0,*]); variable y = length(img[*,0]); % use some transformations/cuts/... to obtain a reasonable color scaling img = log(img); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine wcs of coordinate axis variable N = 500; variable c0 = ones(N)*0.0; variable x_arr = [0:x:#N]; variable y_arr = [0:y:#N]; variable x1ra , x1dec, x2ra , x2dec, y1ra , y1dec, y2ra , y2dec; (x1ra , x1dec) = wcsfuns_deproject (wcs_iras, c0 , x_arr ); x1ra = pos_modulo(x1ra,360); (x2ra , x2dec) = wcsfuns_deproject (wcs_iras, c0+y , x_arr ); x2ra = pos_modulo(x2ra,360); (y1ra , y1dec) = wcsfuns_deproject (wcs_iras, y_arr, c0 ); y1ra = pos_modulo(y1ra,360); (y2ra , y2dec) = wcsfuns_deproject (wcs_iras, y_arr, c0+x ); y2ra = pos_modulo(y2ra,360); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine ticmarks for x1axis variable m = 15*(19 + [35:80:5]/60.0); variable m5 = 15*(19 + [35:80:1]/60.0); variable x1_ticlables = [35:80:5] mod 60; variable x1_string_tic = array_map(String_Type, &sprintf, "%02dm" ,x1_ticlables); variable index = where (x1_ticlables == 0); x1_string_tic[index] = `20h\,`+x1_string_tic[index]; variable r = associate_arrays (m5, x1ra); variable i_x1_h = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (m5, x1ra); variable i_x1_minor = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (m, x1ra); variable i_x1_major = where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1); variable x1_major = x_arr[r.index[i_x1_major]]; x1_string_tic = x1_string_tic[i_x1_major]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine ticmarks for x2axis variable r = associate_arrays (m5, x2ra); variable i_x2_h = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (m5, x2ra); variable i_x2_minor = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (m, x2ra); variable i_x2_major = where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1); variable x2_major = x_arr[r.index[i_x2_major]]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine x (ra) grid variable x_grid = m[[i_x1_major,i_x2_major]]; x_grid = x_grid[unique(x_grid)]; variable x_ymin, x_ymax; (x_ymin, x_ymax) = min_max(x1dec,x2dec); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine ticmarks for y1axis variable d = [30:40]; variable d_10min = [30:40:#(10*6 + 1 )]; r = associate_arrays (d_10min, y1dec); variable i_y1_minor = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (d, y1dec); variable i_y1_major = where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1); variable y1_ticlables = d[i_y1_major]; variable y1_string_tic = array_map(String_Type, &sprintf, `%d$^{\circ}$`, d); y1_string_tic = y1_string_tic[i_y1_major]; variable y1_major = y_arr[r.index[i_y1_major]]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine ticmarks for y2axis r = associate_arrays (d_10min, y2dec); variable i_y2_minor = r.index[where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1)]; r = associate_arrays (d, y2dec); variable i_y2_major = where(r.index != 0 and r.index != N-1); variable y2_ticlables = d[i_y2_major]; variable y2_major = y_arr[r.index[i_y2_major]]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% determine y (dec) grid variable y_grid = d[[i_y1_major,i_y2_major]]; y_grid = y_grid[unique(y_grid)]; variable y_xmin, y_xmax; (y_xmin, y_xmax) = min_max(y1ra,y2ra); variable axis_col = "gray"; variable grid_col = "gray"; variable pheight = height; variable pwidth = pheight/double(y)*x; variable iras = xfig_plot_new(pwidth, pheight);,x,0,y); iras.axis(;color=axis_col); iras.x1axis(; major = x1_major, minor = x_arr[i_x1_minor], ticlabels=x1_string_tic);%x1_ticlables); iras.x2axis(; major = x2_major, minor = x_arr[i_x2_minor], ticlabels=0); %x2_ticlables); iras.y2axis(; major = y1_major, minor = y_arr[i_y1_minor], ticlabels=y1_string_tic);%y1_ticlables); iras.y1axis(; major = y2_major, minor = y_arr[i_y2_minor], ticlabels=0); %y2_ticlables); iras.y2label("Declination"); iras.xlabel("Right Ascension"); iras.plot_png( img; cmap = "copper") ; (pos_y,pos_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs_iras, cygX1_lon, cygX1_lat); iras.plot(pos_x,pos_y; sym="+", color=clr,depth=80); iras.xylabel(pos_x,pos_y,"Cygnus X-1",-0.6,0; color=clr,depth=80); iras.xylabel(0.95,0.95,"IRAS",0.5,0.5; color="orange2",world0,depth=70); % shift image by the width of the first one for compound iras.translate(vector(pwidth,0,0)); p.add_object(iras); %%%%%%%% plot zoom-in box variable box_x, box_y; (box_y,box_x) = wcsfuns_project (wcs, [ x1ra[[0,-1]], x2ra[[-1,0]], x1ra[0]], [ x1dec[[0,-1]],x2dec[[-1,0]],x1dec[0] ] ); % using only corners (if curved, project complete axes) p.plot(box_x,box_y; color = box_col); p.plot( [box_x[0],p_xmax], [box_y[0],p_ymin] ; color = box_col); p.plot( [box_x[-2],p_xmax], [box_y[-2],p_ymax] ; color = box_col); p.render("CygX1.pdf");