The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observes the gamma-ray sky from 20 MeV up to 1 TeV. It does so by scanning the entire sky three times a day, hence, there is gamma-ray data available for each day for every position on the sky.
The following
Installation & preparation
To analyse data from Fermi-LAT, the Fermitools are needed. Additionally, there is a python package, called fermipy, such that one can do the data analysis from within a python environment. There are analysis scripts, written using fermipy, available to create either a spectrum or a light curve, which are available at $FERMITOOLS, linking to /software/Science/satscripts/fermiscripts.
To run those scripts, it is necessary to have both the Fermitools and fermipy installed, ideally in a conda environment. There are two options for the user to do so: calling a currently existing conda environment, or creating the corresponding conda environment yourself. The first version is, at the current moment, the recommended choice, also because the pipeline scripts are written for python 2.7, while for the latter one needs to make sure the correct versions of the Fermitools and fermipy are installed.
Option 1 - Using the existing conda environment (Fermitools 1.2.23 & fermipy version 0.20.0)
Option 2 - Installing and creating a conda environment yourself
Both the Fermitools and fermipy are managed via GitHub and the full code, documentation and installation can be found at
Fermitools: https://github.com/fermi-lat/Fermitools-conda
fermipy: https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy (Github), https://fermipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (Documentation)
Please make sure to be sure
Contact person
The scripts and this wiki entry has been written by Andrea Gokus. In case of any further questions or problems, please contact her via andrea.gokus[at]fau.de.