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(Thomas\' Fe Lines talk)
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Revision as of 11:37, 13 April 2018

Fe Lines Talk ===

I made this presentation in only a few days. Hence, not everything is coded very well. Nevertheless you might find some interesting features you can use for your presentation. If you've got questions: Just ask me! :-)


<file> \documentclass[usenatbib]{beamer} % if you use the draft option (\documentclass[usenatbib,draft]{beamer}) the images % are not included. You can safe a lot of time using this option, if you do not need % to look at your figures.

\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{colortbl} % colored tables \usepackage{natbib} % the bibliography is in natbib style \usepackage{url} % est urls with \url{...} correctly \usepackage{amssymb} % more symbols \usepackage{amsmath} % standard math packag \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{multicol} % allows you to create multiple columns \usepackage{pstricks,pst-grad,pst-text} % pstricks ...

% set your graphics path \graphicspath{{./figs/}}

% select your favourite theme \usetheme{Frankfurt}




% define your own colors: % especially the standard green needs to be dark \definecolor{tdgreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{tdblue} {rgb}{.114, .157, .706 } \definecolor{tdred} {rgb}{0.922, .086, .086 }

% for creating my title page, I define my font sizes \newcommand\titleFontSize{\fontsize{0.65cm}{0.6cm}\selectfont} \newcommand\authorFontSize{\fontsize{0.55cm}{0.5cm}\selectfont}

% simple commands for highlighting text in different colors \newcommand{\greentext}[1]{{\color{tdgreen}#1}} \newcommand{\redtext}[1]{{\color{tdred}#1}} \newcommand{\bluetext}[1]{{\color{tdblue}#1}}

% define my own slides: style chosen here is plain \newcommand{\tdframe}[1]{\frame[plain]{#1}}

% define a compact itemize-environment \newenvironment{itemize*}%


% define an outlined caption with ps-tricks: text in "Caption" is surrounded by a black line. % this is useful if you use a background image, but the title/authors should still be readable \definecolor{Caption}{rgb}{0.8,0.1,0.01} \newcommand\outlineCaption[1]{\textbf{\pscharpath[linecolor=black,linewidth=.1pt, gradangle=90,fillstyle=gradient,gradbegin=Caption,gradend=Caption,gradmidpoint=1]{#1}}} </file>

Title Page

<file> {

% this sets the background image. It is set only for this slide, as the whole section is enclosed
% in brackets
% start the slide
      {\titleFontSize \outlineCaption{Measuring the Spin of a Black Hole:}}
      {\titleFontSize \outlineCaption{Broad Iron Emission Lines}}
      {\authorFontSize\textbf{Thomas Dauser$^1$} }
      {\tiny in collaboration with} \\
      J.~Wilms$^1$, R.~Duro$^1$, C.~S.~Reynolds~(UMd), L.~Brenneman~(CfA),
      K.~Pottschmidt~(CRESST/UMBC/NASA-GSFC), M.~A.~Nowak(MIT),
      N.~Schartel~(ESA-ESOC), and J.~Svoboda~(CAS)
      {\footnotesize $^1$ Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory Bamberg \& ECAP}
      % set the logos       
      % logs need a white box to look good
          \includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{uni-erlangen.eps} \hspace{5.1cm}

} </file>

Example Slide =

<file> \tdframe{

 \frametitle{Accretion Geometry: Source of hard X-rays}

     \begin{alertblock}{}\textbf{Sandwich/Sphere Corona}
         {\footnotesize Comptonization from a \bluetext{hot electron
             plasma} surrounding the disk {\tiny
         \greentext{canonical $\alpha$-disk: $r^{-3}$} {\footnotesize
           {\tiny\citep[in AGN usually higher values observed, e.g.,
     \begin{alertblock}{}\textbf{Jet Base Geometry}
       {\footnotesize Comptonization from the base of a jet {\tiny
       \greentext{``lensing effect: steep emissivity} towards

} </file>