Commit cf3183ca authored by Jakob Stierhof's avatar Jakob Stierhof

Better help for color palettes

parent 4aa3da02
Pipeline #7074 passed with stages
in 38 seconds
......@@ -206,6 +206,12 @@ add_color_palette("sron:landcover", [0x5566aa, 0x117733, 0x44aa66, 0x55aa22, 0x6
% The SRON colors are defined in Paul Tol's technical note (\code{})
% and provides a set of colors for qualitative, diverging, and sequential
% representations.
% Note: To get the original set of colors (was provided by \code{get_sron_colors})
% use \code{get_color_palette("sron-rainbow", n);} for diverging and sequential
% there are no direct matches. See the other color palette options.
%\seealso{get_color_palette_names, palette--sron-rainbow}
......@@ -312,7 +318,7 @@ private define blend_palette (n)
% The qualifier \code{space} allows to control in what space the interpolation
% is done. This either must be one of the known color spaces "hsl", "hsluv",
% "hpluv", or "rgb", or a tuble (list with 2 elements) with references
% "hpluv", or "rgb", or a tuple (list with 2 elements) with references
% to two functions. The first must take three arguments (R,G,B) as 8 bit
% encoded colors and convert it to the color space variables (x,y,z). The
% second converts back (x,y,z) -> (R,G,B).
......@@ -539,6 +545,13 @@ private define colormap_palette (n, name)
% It returns \code{len} values from a linear mapping of the
% given colormap. The colors are constructed from palette--blend
% and forwards all qualifiers to this constructor.
% Note: This function is used only if the given \code{name} is
% a colormap (and does not match a palette name, see \code{png_get_colormap_names}),
% to construct a % set of colors from a color array see
% palette--blend.
%\seealso{png_get_colormap_names, palette--name}
#ifexists png_add_colormap
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