Commit 871be787 authored by Ole Koenig's avatar Ole Koenig

lag_energy_spectrum: Replace lc_ref with elo/hi_ref

parent 6f31df21
......@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ private define verifyLightcurveTime(lc1, lc2){
private define getLightcurve(lc, dt, dimseg){
variable data = fits_read_table(lc);
variable data = typeof(lc) == String_Type ? fits_read_table(lc) : lc;
if (struct_field_exists(data, "time") * struct_field_exists(data, "rate") != 1) {
throw UsageError, sprintf("ERROR (%s): %s does not have a time and rate column! Exiting...", _function_name(), lc);
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ private define calculateSummedReferenceLightcurve(lc_list, index, dt, dimseg){
%% todo: clean up this horrible if-else mess!
variable channel_of_interest = fits_read_table(lc_list[index]);
variable channel_of_interest = typeof(lc_list[index]) == String_Type ? fits_read_table(lc_list[index]) : lc_list[index];
variable jj, lc;
variable summed_rate = Double_Type[length(channel_of_interest.rate)];
......@@ -53,9 +54,6 @@ private define calculateSummedReferenceLightcurve(lc_list, index, dt, dimseg){
if (qualifier_exists("elo") * qualifier_exists("ehi") * qualifier_exists("elo_ref") * qualifier_exists("ehi_ref") == 1) {
%% If we have energy information about the ref LC we want to
%% only subtract the COI in case it's within the ref LC borders.
%% todo: this reproduces the code in the main function, need to
%% be exported into a getReferenceLightcurve function
variable elo_ref = qualifier("elo_ref");
variable ehi_ref = qualifier("ehi_ref");
variable elo = qualifier("elo");
......@@ -70,23 +68,23 @@ private define calculateSummedReferenceLightcurve(lc_list, index, dt, dimseg){
_function_name(), index, elo[index], ehi[index], elo_ref, ehi_ref);
} else {
lc = fits_read_table(lc_list[jj]);
lc = typeof(lc_list[jj]) == String_Type ? fits_read_table(lc_list[jj]) : lc_list[jj];
verifyLightcurveTime(channel_of_interest, lc);
if (qualifier("verbose", 0) > 1) vmessage(" ***(%s): Summing LC (index %d, %g-%g keV) to Ref. LC (%g-%g keV).",
_function_name(), jj, elo[jj], ehi[jj], elo_ref, ehi_ref);
summed_rate += lc.rate;
} else {
} else {
%% If no energy information about the reference lightcurve is
%% provided, we assume that it spans the full energy range.
_for jj (0, length(lc_list)-1, 1){
if (jj == index){
if (qualifier("verbose", 0) > 1) vmessage(" ***(%s): Not adding COI LC (index %d) to Ref. LC, assuming that the Ref. LC goes over all energies.",
index, _function_name());
_function_name(), index);
} else {
lc = fits_read_table(lc_list[jj]);
lc = typeof(lc_list[jj]) == String_Type ? fits_read_table(lc_list[jj]) : lc_list[jj];
verifyLightcurveTime(channel_of_interest, lc);
summed_rate += lc.rate;
......@@ -169,10 +167,6 @@ private define write_to_outfile(dat, f_lo, f_hi, keywords, lc_list){
"Analyzed lightcurves:", lc_list]
if (qualifier_exists("lc_ref")) {
hist.comment = [hist.comment, sprintf("Reference LC: %g-%g keV", qualifier("elo_ref", "?"), qualifier("ehi_ref", "?"))];
fits_write_binary_table(fp, extname, sdata, keys, hist);
......@@ -232,10 +226,6 @@ define lag_energy_spectrum(lc_list, dimseg) {
% returns: lag-energy-spectrum as a struct with fields lag, errlag
% \qualifier{lc_ref}{Filename of a (broad) reference lightcurve. If not
% set, the reference lightcurve will consist of the
% summed up energy lightcurves except for the current
% channel-of-interest.}
% \qualifier{dt}{Time resolution of the lightcurve in seconds
% [default: TIMEDEL keyword]}
% \qualifier{deadtime}{Detector deadtime in seconds [default: 0.0s]}
......@@ -246,8 +236,8 @@ define lag_energy_spectrum(lc_list, dimseg) {
% \qualifier{verbose}{Increase verbosity [default=0]}
% \qualifier{outfile}{String_Type. If set, write various timing products
% into a FITS file.}
% \qualifier{elo, ehi}{Double_Type: Energy grid, only used for writing outfile}
% \qualifier{elo, ehi}{Double_Type: Energy grid}
% \qualifier{elo_ref, ehi_ref}{Boundaries of reference lightcurve}
% * The default error computation is Nowak et al., 1999, ApJ, 510,
......@@ -316,9 +306,13 @@ define lag_energy_spectrum(lc_list, dimseg) {
% }
%\seealso{segment_lc_for_psd, foucalc, colacal}
variable dt = qualifier("dt", fits_read_key(lc_list[0], "TIMEDEL"));
if (dt == NULL) return sprintf("ERROR (%s): Couldn't receive the time resolution from TIMEDEL, need dt qualifier!", _function_name());
try {
variable dt = qualifier_exists("dt") ? qualifier("dt") : fits_read_key(lc_list[0], "TIMEDEL");
} catch TypeMismatchError:
return vmessage("ERROR (%s): Couldn't receive the time resolution from TIMEDEL, need dt qualifier!", _function_name());
variable f_lo = qualifier("f_lo", [1/(dt*dimseg)]);
variable f_hi = qualifier("f_hi", [1/(2*dt)]); % Nyquist frequency
variable verbose = qualifier("verbose", 0);
......@@ -356,12 +350,6 @@ define lag_energy_spectrum(lc_list, dimseg) {
freqres_errlags = Array_Type[N_energies]
%% Load reference band here, such that it is not loaded again for each energy channel
variable lc_ref;
if (qualifier_exists("lc_ref")){
lc_ref = getLightcurve(qualifier("lc_ref"), dt, dimseg;; __qualifiers);
%% Loop through energy-resolved lightcurves (channel-of-interests)
variable ii, jj;
_for ii (0, N_energies-1, 1){
......@@ -369,38 +357,14 @@ define lag_energy_spectrum(lc_list, dimseg) {
if (verbose > 0) vmessage(" ***(%s): Calculate time lags for %s", _function_name(), lc_list[ii]);
variable channel_of_interest = getLightcurve(lc_list[ii], dt, dimseg;; __qualifiers);
variable foucalc_quals = struct{normtype=normtype, deadtime=deadtime};
if (qualifier_exists("lc_ref")) {
%% If a reference lightcurve is given we need to determine
%% whether the current channel-of-interest is within the
%% reference band. In this case we have to correct the Poisson
%% noise in the cross spectrum. For this we need the energy
%% information of the channels.
if (qualifier_exists("elo") * qualifier_exists("ehi") * qualifier_exists("elo_ref") * qualifier_exists("ehi_ref") != 1) {
throw ReadError, "ReadError: If a reference lightcurve is given one must also pass the elo, ehi,\n" +
" elo_ref, ehi_ref qualifiers for the Poisson noise correction of the CPD.";
variable elo_ref = qualifier("elo_ref");
variable ehi_ref = qualifier("ehi_ref");
variable elo = qualifier("elo")[ii];
variable ehi = qualifier("ehi")[ii];
if ((elo >= elo_ref) and (ehi <= ehi_ref)) {
if (verbose > 0) vmessage(" ***(%s): Subject LC (%g-%g keV) is within reference LC (%g-%g keV). Correcting for Poisson noise.",
_function_name(), elo, ehi, elo_ref, ehi_ref);
foucalc_quals = struct_combine(foucalc_quals, "correct_correlated_Poisson_noise_in_CPD");
} else {
lc_ref = calculateSummedReferenceLightcurve(lc_list, ii, dt, dimseg;; __qualifiers);
variable lc_ref = calculateSummedReferenceLightcurve(lc_list, ii, dt, dimseg;; __qualifiers);
variable fouquant = foucalc(struct{time = channel_of_interest.time,
rate1 = lc_ref.rate,
rate2 = channel_of_interest.rate},
dimseg;; foucalc_quals);
dimseg; normtype=normtype, deadtime=deadtime);
variable numseg = fouquant.numavgall[0];
dat.freq[ii] = fouquant.freq;
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