Commit 39bf7e4d authored by Ole Koenig's avatar Ole Koenig

Add lorentz_xyfit

parent 9f8f3932
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define lorentz_xyfit()
%\synopsis{Lorentzian xy fit function to be used with xyfit_fun}
%\usage{xyfit_fun ("lorentz");}
% Calling \code{xyfit_fun ("lorentz");} sets up a Lorentzian fit
% function for xy-data. It has the form
% \code{y = norm * sigma/(2pi) * 1/((x-center)^2 + (sigma/2)^2)}
% variable id = define_xydata(x, y, yerr);
% xyfit_fun("lorentz");
% () = fit_counts;
% variable xfit, yfit;
% (xfit, yfit) = eval_xyfun([min(x) : max(x) : #1000]);
% plot(xfit, yfit);
%\seealso{xyfit_fun, define_xydata, plot_xyfit, linear_regression}
variable xref, yref, par;
{ case 0: return ["norm", "center [center]", "sigma [sigma]"];} % fit parameters
{ case 3: (xref, yref, par) = (); }
{ return help(_function_name); }
@yref = par[0] * par[2]/(2*PI) * 1./((@xref - par[1])^2 + (par[2]/2.)^2);
define lorentz_xyfit_default(i)
{ case 0: return (0.01, 0, -1e10 , 1e10); }
{ case 1: return (0 , 0, 0 , 1e5); }
{ case 2: return (1 , 0, 1e-6 , 1e6); }
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