My Teaching Pages...

Courses taught at Erlangen-Nuremberg University (2008-2011)
Einführung in die Astronomie I
Extragalactic X-Ray Astronomy 2008/2009
Astronomisches Praktikum
Active Galactic Nuclei 2010
Galaxies and Cosmology 2009/2010
Multiwavelength Astronomy 2009
Galaxies and Cosmology 2010/2011

Courses taught at Würzburg University (2011-...)
Einführung in die Astrophysik
Moderne Astrophysik (Extragalactic Jets)

As of summer 2008, the Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg operates a 2.3m radio telescope. In the astronomical lab course (Astronomisches Praktikum) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, students can get a hands-on experience of its basic usage and operational characteristics. The experiment description can be found here.

The Bamberg radio telescope is an SRT (Small radio Telescope), developed by Haystack observatory and available through Cassi Corp.
