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Agapitou, V., Papaloizou, J.C.B. 2000, MNRAS 317, 273. Accretion disk - stellar magnetosphere interaction: field line inflation and the effect on the spin-down torque.

Akerlof, C. et al. (16 authors) 2000, AJ 119, 1901. ROTSE all-sky surveys for variable stars.
I. Test fields. 368 new contact binaries, 95 other new EBs. (2b)

Amado, P.J., Doyle, J.G., Byrne, P.B. 2000, MNRAS 314, 489. Photometric modelling of starspots - II. The FORTRAN code SPOTPIC.

Armitage, P.J, Livio, M. 2000, ApJ 532, 540. BH formation via hypercritical accretion during common-envelope evolution.

Barman, T.S. et al. (4 authors) 2000, ApJ 537, 946. A grid of non-LTE model atmospheres for WDs in CVs.

Bate, M.R. 2000, MNRAS 314, 33. Predicting the properties of binary stellar systems: the evolution of accreting protobinary systems.

Beskin, V.S., Okamoto, I. 2000, MNRAS 313, 445. On the magnetohydrodynamic decollimation in compact objects.

Beskin, V.S., Rafikov, R.R. 2000, MNRAS 313, 433. On the particle acceleration near the light surface of radio pulsars.

Biermann, M., Duschl, W.J. 2000, AG Abstr. Ser. 17, 51. The structure of self-gravitating ADs.

Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S. 1999, OAP 12, 169. ADs around BHs: development of theory.

Bobinger, A. 2000, A&A 357, 1170. Genetic eclipse mapping and the advantage of Black Sheep.

Broderick, A., Prakish, M., Lattimer, J.M. 2000, ApJ 537, 351. The equation of state of NS matter in strong magnetic fields.

Bulik, T., Kluzniak, W., Zhang, W. 2000, A&A 361, 153. kHz QPOs, the marginally stable orbit, and the mass of the central sources - a maximum likelihood test.

Cherepashchuk, A.M. 1999, OAP 12, 175. BH X-ray binaries.

Cherepashchuk, A.M., Karetnikov, V.G. 1999, OAP 12, 180. On the evolution of WR stars in CBs.

Claret, A. 2000, A&A 359, 289. Studies on stellar rotation. II. Gravity-darkening: the effects of the input physics and differential rotation. New results for very low mass stars.

Coc, A. et al. (4 authors) 2000, A&A 357, 561. Influence of new reaction rates on 18F production in novae.

Daigne, F., Mochkovitch, R. 2000, A&A 358, 1157. Gamma-ray bursts from internal shocks in a relativistic wind: a hydrodynamical study.

Dewi, J.D.M., Tauris, T.M. 2000, A&A 360, 1043. On the energy equation and efficiency parameter of the common envelope evolution.

Dommanget, J. 2000, Observatory 120, 202. The HIPPARCOS catalogue and the TYCHO catalogue: analysis of the results for the visual binary stars.

Dryomova, G.N., Svechnikov, M.A. 1999, OAP 12, 187. Statistical research in evolutionary genetic relationship of DMS-, DW-, KW- and KE-types of double stars.

Dryomova, G.N., Svechnikov, M.A. 2000, Kinematika i fizika nebesnykh tel 16, No. 2, 169. Estimating the ages of eclipsing variable DM-stars by Maeder and Meynet.

Fedorova, A.V., Bisikalo, D.V. et al. (6 authors) 2000, AZh 77, 357. Non-conservative evolution of CVs.

Fender, R.P., Hendry, M.A. 2000, MNRAS 317, 1. The radio luminosity of persistent X-ray binaries.

Font, J.A., Stergioulas, N., Kokkotas, K.D. 2000, MNRAS 313, 678. Non-linear hydrodynamical evolution of rotating relativistic stars: numerical methods and code tests.

Fukue, J. 2000, PASJ, 52, 613. Multi-stage drive of astrophysical jets.

Gänsicke, B.T. 2000, Rev. Mod. Astrophys. 13, 151. Evolution of WDs in CVs.

Gehrels, N. et al. (5 authors) 2000, Nature 404, 363. Discovery of a new population of high-energy X-ray sources in the Galaxy; see also News & Views (Greiner, I.), p. 344.

Ghosh, P. 2000, MNRAS 315, 89. The structure of BH magnetospheres - I. Schwarzschild BHs.

Glazunova, L.V, 1999, OAP 12, 253. Period changes in the group of Algol-type binary systems with asynchronous rotation of the main component.

Glebocki, R. 2000, Acta Astron. 50, 211. Orientation of the orbital planes of visual binary systems.

González, J.F., Lapasset, E. 2000, AJ 119, 2296. Radial velocities, binarity, and kinematic membership in the open cluster NGC 2516.

Greiner, J. 2000, Sterne und Weltraum 39, 613. Mikroquasare.

Griffin, R.F. 2000, Observatory 120, 195. Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities: a synopsis of papers 101-150.

Gu, Wei-Min, Lu, Ju-Fu 2000, ApJ 540, L33. Bimodal ADs: Shakura-Sunyaev disk-advection-dominated accretion flow transitions.

Hils, D., Bender, P.L. 2000, ApJ 537, 334. Gravitational radiation from helium cataclysmics.

Holzwarth, V., Schüssler, M. 2000, Astron. Nachr. 321, 175. Stability of magnetic flux tubes in CBs.

Huang, H.-Q., Zhou, D.-Q. 2000, Acta Ap. Sin. 20, 131. The effect of irradiation absorption on an ellipsoidal component of a CB.

Igumenshchev, I.V. 2000, MNRAS 314, 54. Unipolar outflows and global meridional circulations in rotating accretion flows.

Karakas, A.I., Tout, C.A., Lattanzio, J.C. 2000, MNRAS 316, 689. The eccentricities of the barium stars.

Kennedy, H.D. 1999, Southern Stars 38, 137. The long-term period behavior of contact binaries. II. Individual contact binaries.

Kennedy, H.D. 1999, Southern Stars 38, 169. The long-term period behavior of contact binaries. III. Individual contact binaries.

Kennedy, H.D. 2000, Southern Stars 38, 201. The long-term period behavior of contact binaries. IV. Companion of systems.

Keppens, R., Solanki, S.K., Charbonnel, C. 2000, A&A 359, 552. Spin and orbital angular momentum exchange in binary star systems. II. Ascending the giant branch: a new path to FK Comae stars.

Koen, C. 2000, MNRAS 316, 613. The analysis of indexed astronomical time series - VI. Covariances of amplitude ratios and phase differences estimated from multicolor photometry of a pulsating star.

Konenkov, D., Geppert, U. 2000, MNRAS 313, 66. The effect of the NS crust on the evolution of a core magnetic field.

Kreykenbohm, I. et al. (7 authors) 2000, AG Abstr. Ser. 17, 34. Cyclotron lines in accreting pulsars.

Krishan, V., Wiita, P.J., Ramadurai, S. 2000, A&A 356, 373. Effect of beam-plasma instabilities on AD flares.

Kunihito, I., Taniguchi, K. 2000, ApJ 537, 327. Gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries with magnetic dipole moments.

Kuznetsova, Yu.G., Pavlenko, E.P. et al. (4 authors) 1999, OAP 12, 197. Observations of typical, rare and unique phenomena in CBs with extreme mass ratios.

Lanza, A.F., Rodono, M., Rosner, R. 2000, MNRAS 314, 398. Dynamo action and the period gap in CVs.

Lanzafame, G., Maravigna, F., Belvedere, G. 1999, PASJ 52, 515. Spiral structure and shocks in ADs in CBs: the role of the stellar mass ratio.

Lasota, J.-P. 2000, A&A 360, 575. X-rays from quiescent low-mass X-ray binary transients.

Li, Li-Xin 2000, ApJ 540, L17. Extracting energy from a BH through the transition region.

Lipunova, G.V., Shakura, N.I. 2000, A&A 356, 363. New solution to viscous evolution of ADs in binary systems.

Lipunova, G.V., Shakura, N.I, 1999, OAP 12, 201. Time-dependent disk accretion in binary systems.

Lu, Y. et al. (4 authors) 2000, MNRAS 314, 453. A massive thick disk around a massive BH and its runaway instability.

Maceroni, C. 1999, New Astron. Rev. 43, 481. Angular-momentum loss and transfer in CBs on human time scale.

Madej, J., Rozanska, A. 2000, A&A 356, 654. X-ray irradiated model stellar atmospheres.

Makita, M., Miyawaki, K., Matsuda, T. 2000, MNRAS 316, 906. Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of ADs in a CB.

Manmoto, T., Kato, S. 2000, ApJ 538, 295. Transition from standard disk to advection-dominated accretion flow.

Manset, N., Bastien, P. 2000, AJ 120, 413. Numerical simulation of polarimetric variations of binary stars.

Marietta, E., Burrows, A., Fryxell, B. 2000, ApJ 128, 615. Type Ia SN explosions in binary systems: the impact on the secondary star and its consequences.

Melatos, A. 2000, MNRAS 313, 217. Radiative precession of an isolated NS.

Menou, K. et al. (4 authors) 2000, MNRAS 314, 498. Disk instability models for X-ray transients: evidence for evaporation and low $\alpha$-viscosity?

Merloni, A., Fabian, A.C., Ross, R.R. 2000, MNRAS 313, 193. On the interpretation of the multicolor disk model for the BH candidates.

Meyer, F., Liu, B.F., Meyer-Hofmeister, E. 2000, A&A 361, 175. Evaporation: the change from accretion via a thin disk to a coronal flow.

Miller, M.C. 2000, ApJ 537, 342. Attenuation of beaming oscillations near NSs.

Murali, C., Arras, P., Wasserman, I. 2000, MNRAS 313, 87. Constraints on the mass and abundance of BHs in the Galactic halo: the high mass limit.

Murray, J.R. 2000, MNRAS 314, L1. The precession of eccentric disks in CBs.

Murray, J.R., Warner, B., Wickramasinghe, D.T. 2000, MNRAS 315, 707. Eccentric disks in binaries with intermediate mass ratios: superhumps in the VY Sculptoris stars.

Mushotsky, R. et al. (4 authors) 2000, Nature 404, 459. Resolving the extragalactic hard X-ray background; see also News & Views (Hasinger, G.), p. 443.

Nelemans, G. et al. (4 authors) 2000, A&A 360, 1011. Reconstructing the evolution of double helium WDs: envelope loss without spiral-in.

Nelson, R.P., Papaloizou, J.C.B. 2000, MNRAS 315, 570. Hydrodynamic simulations of the Bardeen-Petterson effect.

Neuhäuser, R. et al. (8 authors) 2000, AG Abstr. Ser. 17, 50. Direct imaging search for sub-stellar companions next to young nearby stars.

Ozernoy, L.M. et al. (4 authors) 2000, ApJ 537, L147. Signatures of exosolar planets in dust debris disks.

Papaloizou, J.C.B., Larwood, J.D. 2000, MNRAS 315, 823. On the orbital evolution and growth of protoplanets embedded in a gaseous disk.

Pereyra, N.A, Kallman, T.R, Blondin, J.M. 2000, ApJ 532, 563. Hydrodynamic models of line-driven AD winds.

Preston, G.W., Sneden, C.L. 2000, AJ 120, 1014. Blue metal-poor stars are mostly binaries.

Rasio, F.A., Pfahl, E.D, Rappaport, S. 2000, ApJ 532, L47. New scenario for formation of short-period binary pulsars in globular clusters.

Ribas, I. et al. (4 authors) 2000, MNRAS 313, 99. Chemical composition of EBs: a new approach to the helium-to-metal enrichment ratio.

Richards, M.T. 2000, Mercury 29, No. 4, 35. Evolution of Algol systems (popular review).

Ritter, H., Zhang, Z.-Y., Kolb, U. 2000, A&A 360, 969. Irradiation and mass transfer in low-mass compact binaries.

Rosswog, S. et al. (4 authors) 2000, A&A 360, 171. Merging NSs: asymmetric systems.

Rucinski, S.M. 2000, AJ 120, 319. W UMa systems in globular clusters.

Ruszkowski, M. 2000, MNRAS 315, 1. X-ray iron line variability for the model of an orbiting flare above a BH AD.

Saio, H., Jeffery, C.S. 2000, MNRAS 313, 671. The evolution of a rapidly accreting helium WD to become a low-luminosity helium star.

Sandquist, E.L., Taam, R.E, Burkert, A. 2000, ApJ 533, 984. On the formation of helium double degenerate stars and pre-CV's.

Sarna, M.J., Ergma, E., Gerskevits-Antipova, J. 2000, MNRAS 316, 84. Cooling curves and initial models for low-mass WDs ($\leq 0.25 M_{\odot}$) with helium cores.

Scardia, M. et al. (4 authors) 2000, Astron. Nachr. 321, 255. Orbital elements of five close visual binary stars.

Schenker, K. 2000, AG Abstr. Ser. 17, 35. Early phases of high mass transfer rate during CV evolution.

Schilling, G. 2000, Science 289, 1448. NS implies relativity a drag; warped space-time with a twist (``News of the Week'').

Schönberner, D., Driebe, T., Bloecker, T. 2000, A&A 356, 929. The evolution of helium WDs. III. On the ages of millisecond pulsar systems.

Scott, A.D. 2000, MNRAS 313, 775. Nova outbursts on rotating oblate WDs.

Shakhovskoy, N.M., Andronov, I.L. et al. (4 authors) 1999, OAP 12, 242. Blob parameters of accretion streams in magnetic CVs.

Shalybkov, D., Rüdiger, G. 2000, MNRAS 315, 762. Magnetic field dragging and vertical structure of thin ADs.

Söderhjelm, S. 2000, Astron. Nachr. 321, 165. Binary statistics from HIPPARCOS data - a progress report.

Soker, N. 2000, A&A 357, 557. Eccentric orbits of close companions to asymptotic giant branch stars.

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Srinivasa Rao, M., Peraiah, A. 2000, A&AS 145, 525. Radiative transfer in the dusty, irradiated expanding atmospheres of CB components.

Stepinski, T.F., Black, D.C. 2000, A&A 356, 903. Statistics of low-mass companions to stars: implications for their origin.

Sutantyo, W., Li, X.-D. 2000, A&A 360, 633. Formation of binary millisecond pulsars with relatively high surface dipole magnetic fields.

Taranova, O.G. 2000, Pis. AZh 26, 472. IR photometry for variable stars of selected types in 1978-1999.

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Wade, R.A., Harlow, J.J.B., Ciardullo, R. 2000, PASP 112, 614. Biases in expansion distances of novae from prolate geometry of shells.

Wardzinski, G., Zdziarski, A. 2000, MNRAS 314, 183. Thermal synchrotron radiation and its comptonization in compact X-ray sources.

Wickramasinghe, D.T., Ferrario, L. 2000, PASP 112, 873. Magnetism in isolated and binary WDs.

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Yoshida, S., Eriguchi, Y. 2000, MNRAS 316, 917. Influence of r-mode instability on hypercritically accreting NSs.

Yoshida, S. et al. (4 authors) 2000, MNRAS 316, L1. A numerical study of the r-mode instability of rapidly rotating nascent NSs.

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Zdunik, J.L. et al. (4 authors) 2000, A&A 356, 612. Innermost stable circular orbits around strange stars and kHz QPOs in LMXBs.

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Zhang, Y.-F. 2000, Chinese Astron. Ap., 24, 269. A nonlinear dynamical model of formation of binary stars from a nebula.

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