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Albayrak, B., Özeren, F.F., Ekmekci, F. 1996, IBVS 4399. (1f): RT And, SV Cam, WY Cnc, Z Her.

Borkovits T., Hegedues T. 1996, A&AS 120, 63. (2ac) Search for invisible components of 18 EBs.

Fleming, T.A. et al. (5 authors) 1996, A&A 316, 147. (3ab, 6) Binary fraction among 175 WDs is 25%.

Gutiérrez-Moreno, A., Moreno, H. 1996, PASP 108, 972. (1c) Fluxes at several wavelengths for symbiotic stars AS 201, He2-106, He2-127, He2-171, AS 210, Hen 1591 - see also General.

Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D. 1996, A&AS 119, 61. (1bd, 2e, 6) Raman scattering in symbiotic stars. I. Spectropolarimetric observations.

Hubrig, S., Mathys, G. 1997, A&AS 120, 457. (1b, 2e, 3b, 6) The $\lambda$3984 feature in late B-type SBs.

Kaluzny, J. et al. (6 authors) 1996, A&AS 120, 139. (1a, 2c, 3b) The optical gravitational lensing experiment. Variable stars in $\omega$ Centauri (11 new EBs).

Levine, A.M. et al. (8 authors) 1996, ApJ 469, L33. (1x) X-ray light curves of: Cyg X-1, 4U 1705-44, GRO J1655-40, SMC X-1.

Mermilliod, J.-C., Andersen, J., Mayor, M. 1997, A&A 319, 481. (1b, 2a) Red giants in open clusters: 10 SBs in NGC 2489, 2567, 3033, 5822, 6134, 6664, and IC 2488.

Miller, R., Osborn, W.O. 1996, Observatory 116, 383. BVRI photometry of SBs: 82 binaries, mostly with modern photometry lacking.

Mitrou, C.K. et al. (4 authors) 1997, A&A 317, 776. (1u, 2e, 3b, 6) EUV emission from 104 RS CVn binaries.

Morale, F. et al. (4 authors) 1996, A&AS 119, 403. (1a, 2e, 6) Strömgren four-color photometry of X-ray active late-type stars. (Some binaries in the sample.)

Mürset, U., Wolff, B., Jordan, S. 1997, A&A 319, 201. (1x, 2e, 6) X-ray properties of symbiotic stars. II. Systems with colliding winds.

Pan, K. 1996, Acta Ap. Sinica 16, 291. Measurement and study of rotation in CBs. III. Statistical analysis of synchronization.

Pan, K. 1996, Acta Ap. Sinica 16, 370. Measurement and study of rotation in CBs. IV. Comparison between observation and predictions of two theories.

Raboud, D. 1996, A&A 315, 384. (1b, 3b, 6) Binarity among B stars in NGC 6231.

Robb, R.M., Gladders, M.D. 1996, IBVS 4412. (1af, 2c, 3bd): GSC 4817_468 (= BD-00$^{\circ}$1712), GSC 4817_508.

Rucinski, S.M., Kaluzny, J., Hilditch, R.W. 1996, MNRAS 282, 705. (1ao, 2a, 3b) A search for detached EBs in the oldest known open cluster NGC 6791.

Shahbaz, T. et al. (7 authors) 1996, MNRAS 282, 1437. An atlas of optical continuum and line emission from LMXBs.

Sharov, A.S. 1997, IBVS 4415. (1f) Photometry of novae in M33: Possible Nova 1955, Nova 1982, Nova 1986.

Sproats, L.N., Howell, S.B., Mason, K.O. 1996, MNRAS 282, 1211. Infrared colors, distance determination, and absolute magnitudes of a sample of faint CVs.

Tokovinin, A.A. 1997, A&AS 121, 71. (1b, 2a): ADS 1315C, ADS 1849A ADS 3608C, ADS 3824C, ADS 3991A, ADS 6646A, and ADS 8861A.

Woitas, J. 1997, IBVS 4444. (3b) Detection of new EBs by Hipparcos satellite: HD 46552, HD 60649, HD 61551, HD 93325, HD 162985, and HD 197785.

Zakirov, M.M., Azimov, A.A. 1994, Variable Stars 23, 339. (1a) UBVR photoelectric photometry of: GK Cas, GR Cas, V518 Cas, V541 Cas, V559 Cas, CM Per, CR Per, and DK Per.

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Horst Drechsel