Installing ISIS

In order to install ISIS, one needs The latter two can be taken from the HEAsoft distribution, which also provides the Xspec spectral model library that is required in order to use all the Xspec fit functions.

I use the following scripts to install ISIS into a local directory on a Linux system where I don't have root-access in order to install everything (globally) to /usr/local/.

#/bin/csh -f

# installation path
set SLANG = ~/share/software/local/     # You may choose another prefix.

# The pcre, onig, png, zlib, iconv modules are optional.
# In order to build them on an Ubuntu system, install the following packages:
#    sudo  apt-get install  libpcre3-dev libonig-dev libpng12-dev zlib1g-dev
# As the libraries were not found automatically on some 64-bit systems,
# I specify them explicitly:
set options = ""
if(`uname -m` == "x86_64") then
  foreach mod (pcre onig png z iconv)
    if(-e /usr/lib64/lib$  \
      set options = "$options --with-{$mod}inc=/usr/include --with-{$mod}lib=/usr/lib64"

# update source repository
set srcdir = slang.git
if(! -e $srcdir)  git clone git:// $srcdir
cd $srcdir
git clean -f
git pull

# build and install S-Lang
./configure --prefix=$SLANG $options |& tee configure.log
make                                 |& tee make.log
make install                         |& tee make_install.log

#/bin/csh -f

# ...

#/bin/csh -f

# prerequisites
set SLANG   = ~/share/software/local     # same choice as above
set CFITSIO = $HEADAS                    # (assuming $HEADAS
set PGPLOT  = $HEADAS                    #  to be set up correctly)

# installation path
set ISIS    = ~/share/software/local     # You may choose another prefix.
# ISIS will be installed in $ISIS/isis/$subdir

# update source repository
set srcdir = isis.git
if(! -e $srcdir)  git clone $srcdir
cd $srcdir
git clean -f
git pull

# Run the Xspec code generator if your HEASOFT version does not match ISIS' Xspec library:
# cd modules/xspec/src; ./ 12 $HEADAS/..; cd -
# (assuming that the Xspec source code can be found below $HEADAS/..)

# build and install ISIS
setenv FC gfortran
./configure --with-cfitsio=$CFITSIO \
            --with-pgplot=$PGPLOT \
            --with-slang=$SLANG \
            --with-headas=$HEADAS \
            --prefix=$ISIS \
             |& tee configure.log
make         |& tee make.log
make install |& tee make_install.log

See also installation instructions on the first and second school on multiwavelength astronomy.

Additional S-Lang modules

Additional ISIS scripts and modules

Our isisscripts contain (probably only parts of some version?):

Additional programs