4. Studientage des beschleunigten Studiengangs Physik
am Do/Fr/Sa, den 2./3./4. Feb. 2006 (an der Universität Regensburg)


Donnerstag, 2. Februar [im SR 4.1.13] (Chair: Sonja Koller)
15:00Tilman Rügheimer: Diplomarbeit: "Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission from Metallic Chains on Silicon Surfaces"
16:00Florian Schiller: Diplomarbeit: "Quantitative Spectroscopy of the Supergiant Deneb"
18:00Prof. Christoph Strunk: "Electron interference in nanostructures"
18:30ein weiterer Professor aus Regensburg
19:30Abendessen im Hotel Apollo

Freitag, 3. Februar [im SR 5.0.20] (Chair: Tilo Wettig)
"Modern developments in statistical and semiclassical physics"
09:30Dr. Arnd Bäcker (TU Dresden): "Wavefunctions in chaotic quantum systems"
12:30Prof. Dr. Hans Weidenmüller (MPI Heidelberg): "Random matrices and chaos in quantum-mechanical many-body systems"
14:30Prof. Dr. Thomas Guhr (Lund University):
"1. Econophysics -- Brief Introduction"
"2. Econophysics -- Financial Correlations, Noise and Portfolio Optimization"
19:00Abendessen in der Regensburger Altstadt

Samstag, 4. Februar [im SR 4.1.13] (Chair: Sonja Koller)
9:00Kerstin Falk: Projekt "Temperature dependence of the sensitivity of piezo-sensors (for acoustic neutrino detection)"
10:00Robert Lohmayer: Projekt "Entanglement measures"
11:30Christoph Lehner: Projekt "Electron states for exotic nuclei"