
MhGlobProj.c (Update siehe unten)


Update 06.12.2015

Mit dieser Version (MhGlobProj.tgz) lassen sich die Parameter zur Laufzeit angeben:
        ./MhGlobProj [-h] [-i <inputfile>] [-o <outputfile>] [-s <size>] [-d <d>] [-q <q>] [-phi <phi0>] [-lambda <lambda0>] [-phiSun <phiSun>] [-sF <shadowFactor>] [-bF <brightnessFactor>]
        -h      show this help
        -i      use <inputfile> as TIFF inputfile
                default <inputfile> = land_ocean_ice_cloud_8192.tif
        -o      use <outputfile> as BMP outputfile (filename is generated from other parameters if <outputfile> = "auto")
                default <outputfile> = Erde.bmp
        -s      calculate image with size <size> pixels
                default <size> = 4800
        -d      calculate image from distance <d> Earth radii
                default <d> = 2.00
        -q      calculate image with scale <q> Earth radii in projection plane, if greater than 0;
                if <q> is zero or negative: scale image automatically
                default <q> = 2.50
        -phi    calculate image centered above geographic lattitude <phi0> degrees
                default <phi0> = 48.00
        -lambda calculate image centered above geographic longitude <lambda0> degrees
                default <lambda0> = 12.00
        -phiSun calculate shadow with sun's geographic lattitude <phiSun> degrees (in reality, |<phiSun>| is less than 23.5)
                default <phiSun> = 23.50
        -tSun   calculate shadow at local time <tSun> hours
                default <tSun> = 12.00
        -sF     calculate shadow with shadow factor <shadowFactor>
                default <shadowFactor> = 0.10
        -bF     calculate shadow with brightness factor <brightnessFactor>
                default <brightnessFactor> = 1.20
make land_ocean_ice_8192.png
convert land_ocean_ice_8192.png land_ocean_ice_8192.tif
./MhGlobProj -s 1024 -i land_ocean_ice_8192.tif -o land_ocean_ice.bmp

make land_shallow_topo_21600.tif
./MhGlobProj -s 1024 -i land_shallow_topo_21600.tif -o land_shallow_topo.bmp

make world.200401.3x5400x2700.jpg
convert world.200401.3x5400x2700.jpg world.200401.3x5400x2700.tif
./MhGlobProj -s 1024 -i world.200401.3x5400x2700.tif -o world.200401.bmp

make world.topo.bathy.200401.3x5400x2700.jpg
convert world.topo.bathy.200401.3x5400x2700.jpg world.topo.bathy.200401.3x5400x2700.tif
./MhGlobProj -s 1024 -i world.topo.bathy.200401.3x5400x2700.tif -o world.topo.bathy.200401.bmp

make world.topo.bathy.200407.3x5400x2700.jpg
convert world.topo.bathy.200407.3x5400x2700.jpg world.topo.bathy.200407.3x5400x2700.tif
./MhGlobProj -s 1024 -i world.topo.bathy.200407.3x5400x2700.tif -o world.topo.bathy.200407.bmp